Saturday, September 30, 2006

I've been asked... "What is this program you signed up for?" Here it is...- Dr. M

Homeowner Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program
The City of Lancaster provides funding to eligible city residents to rehabilitate their homes.
The homeowner housing rehabilitation assistance program upgrades single family dwelling units within the incorporated area of the city of Lancaster. It provides low and moderate income households with a safe, decent, sanitary and sound place to live and it preserves our most valuable material asset - our homes. Funds are available to rehabilitate structures to meet Housing Rehabilitation Standards, they are not available for improvements such as swimming pools, recreation rooms, extensive landscaping, moveable improvements, appliances, etc.

I used this, too. In fact, this is the first program I used and a requierment of getting the downpayment asssistance, was using the home rehab program as well.

Downpayment assistance:


Blogger Rob Craig said...

You know what would be cool, if you are feeling mischievous? Take this documentation for all this pathetic excuse for rehab and submit it to local newspapers, Lancaster-based businesses, etc. Of course, you may expect some blowback, but still might be empowering to get other people locally, including possible other suckers to this program, so see what a scam it is!

6:53 PM  

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