Here is the letter I submitted to terminate the contractor:
Friday October 20, 2006
I’m requesting termination of the original contractor (name) working on my house project be done and replaced with a more competent contractor and workers.
I want this to be on record that there have been too many issues. Work has been of poor quality from the first day. The contractor started with a crew of three inexperienced young people- each around 20 years old- for the first three weeks. My home and this project should not be a training ground. The first thing (the city inspector) asked me when we met for the first time (Mon 09-18-06), the second week of the job, was, “How are these kids working out?” And he said it seemed like they were standing around a lot and didn’t seem happy about it. Nor was I.
There has been much standing around and smoking and talking on cell phones by all involved- crew and contractor. (Even my neighbors commented.) There have been lies told about work being completed, when it wasn’t. I will never be convinced that the young workers insulated my crawlspace properly. When ”caught”, they said they “weren’t done yet.” For some reason, these excuses keep being accepted by (the city inspector). It seems to be (the city inspector)’s agenda to defend the contractors and keep them on the job, despite my complaints. Telling me, “You can’t tell them what to do. You have to see what it’s like when they FINISH, then they will have to correct mistakes.” After 6 weeks of this, I’m not going to stand for any more mistakes.
One day (the contractor) returned from lunch intoxicated. (10-04-06) I believe there have been other times. I don’t like that at all. 2 of the weeks they only worked for 3½ days (not because of weather) and have seldom worked more than 5-6 hours in a day. Most jobs have been started, said to have been finished. Then re-done AGAIN because they weren’t done right the first time. Many items STILL aren’t completed at this date. Multiple days being spent on jobs that should be finished quickly.
They have spent over a week, blowing insulation in the walls, incorrectly and still aren’t finished (as of 10-20-06). Blaming it on the machine. They got a 2nd machine and are still having the same problems. It says right in my contract “using the 2 hole method” yet they are blowing into only one hole- with nowhere for the air to escape- THAT is why their machines aren’t working. The insulation isn’t being filled properly without 2 holes. One lazy worker said to me, “Do you know how much work it is to cut these holes in the wall!” Then (the city inspector) says, “There are different ways to do things.” RIGHT! A right way and a WRONG WAY. And I’ve been getting the WRONG WAY.
(the city inspector) will know the story of the bathroom window that has been redone *3 times* and is *still* not right. The 1st time, it was done by the young workers, the contractor said he was “Embarrassed” and that “It looked like a 3 year old did it.” The 2nd time the contractor re-did it himself, using cheap materials to finish the framing. With breaks, rough edges and caulking the material. It *still* looked like a 3 year old did it. The final time, (the city inspector) told him to re-do it again, the contractor used more expensive materials. After the 3rd time, it STILL looks like a 3 year old did it!… Only using more expensive materials!!! When addressed about it’s poor appearance… the standby excuse… “I wasn’t done yet.”
Any requests I have made for the workers to speed up or work towards better craftsmanship- even those echoed to the contractor and workers by (the city inspector)- have been ignored. Like using runners or drop cloths- none have been used inside my home.
I have had to clean up my floor many times- more than just light dust- of paint and spackling. They have scuffed my wood floors worse than they already were. Stomping through my house in dirty work boots like it’s a construction site. They have scratched and marred all 3 new doors thay have installed so far. Leaving SCARS on my home, rather than repairs or “rehabilitation.”
I asked the contractor (10-06-06) directly, "If you had hired me, and I was working in your house and giving you the same quality of job that you are giving me, would you be 100 percent satisfied?" He hesitated, and answered… "I don't know."
I have discussed this in depth with (the city inspector) and he has told me that, “Your concerns are valid.” And that, “I share your concerns.” And, “I wouldn’t want this quality of work at my own home.” Then he tells me, “They have 8 weeks to complete things” and that I should wait. I’m not sure what to make of the mixed messages. After SIX WEEKS, I feel I have been MORE than lenient in allowing for the improvement I’ve asked for. Which I’ve not seen happen. There is still much to be done- that has not even been started. It’s apparent the contractor would not be done by the completion date of Nov. 7th.
I’ve been treated like an outsider in my own home. (the city inspector) has repeatedly been belligerent with me. I have asked him not to continue to use that tone with me. He answered, “I probably shouldn’t, but that’s how I am.” (the city inspector) has given the contractor and workers so many breaks, they respond like they do not have to answer to me - only to the city program (the city inspector). The way this is set up, there is no accountability to the homeowner.
This has been perhaps the worst experience of my life. When I think of the TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS I am responsible to repay, I can’t believe the City of Lancaster program would endorse this poor level of quality as satisfactory. The recent “compromise” of bringing in another contractor to “train” these inept workers is an insult. I only wish that I had made the effort to stop this contractor earlier, then so many poor jobs will not have to be re-done- probably at my own expense. I am very unhappy with this whole project and I want the original contractor (named) and his workers removed from the job as soon as possible and they are not to return to my home.
I will accept that (named) will be the replacement contractor, and that it may take (a reasonable) amount of time longer. Only if there is improvement shown and no backpedaling or changing of the details discussed with (named) on Thursday October 19, 2006.
Mark R. Hill