I fired the contractor! Not gonna gloat til I see the replacement/results.
After I stood in my bathroom (6th week of the project) for the 3rd time, my window looking like it was framed AGAIN by a 3 year old (the contractor took a whole day to do this FOR THE THIRD TIME!) I knew this was it.
The city guy told me he was following how long the contractor took to re-do the window (a whole day), but then started his, "We can't tell them how fast to go and have to wait til the end and see what it looks like then."
I said (madly), "Are FAIRIES going to fly in the last week and wave their magic wands to change all this!?"
Then the contractor got kind of RED with me, like why was I hassling him? Then he spent the next *6 hours* taping off and painting one stair rail and one door frame. And I think he was drunk again or at least hung over. I sat on my couch watching him and we never said two words to one another.
Then they were taking over a week to blow insulation in my walls, cutting only one hole in each channel, and complaining their machine wasn't working right, it kept backfiring. These were guys claiming many years of experience doing this. Between my own research and my dad having this done twice to our houses, we knew they needed to have a 2nd hole at the top of the channel- so the air could FLOW OUT. But they wouldn't listen. And the city guy gave me more BS- "There are different ways to do a job." And I said, "Yes, a RIGHT way and a WRONG way. And you're ALL doing it WRONG!"
I probably gave the update about them proposing to bring in the superior contractor to "train" the dumb asses and supervise all the big jobs left? That was LAST Friday. He was supposed to be here this week on Tuesday. Then suddenly he "couldn't make it until NEXT week" I smelled a BLUFF by the city.
Then after the city guy left, I heard the contractor discussing getting the attic pull down to install in my bedroom ceiling- one of the BIG JOBS- and no new contractor around. These guys couldn't frame a window correctly- after 3 tries- and I'm going to let them cut into my ceiling? NO WAY!
So I made the calls. 1st to the city guy, he tried to blow me off and practically hung up on me. Then he said I had to call the main office and talk with the head woman there. It was my impression that she had heard enough about the progress of this ordeal that she was pretty responsive. I was told I had to write a brief letter and take it into the office and it was done. They will not return here again.
It all went pretty quick. Within *2 hours*, the contractor was sneaking up my alley with 2 trucks to get their supplies (all outside, thank God) and to drop off my new windows for the next contractor to install. It was pretty intense, lurking in the house, watching them thru the windows.
Windows are to be installed next Tuesday, by the new contractor. We'll see what transpires...
Much more to it than this, This really took a toll on me. Worst thing I've ever been thru.
"It all went pretty quick. Within *2 hours*, the contractor was sneaking up my alley with 2 trucks to get their supplies (all outside, thank God) and to drop off my new windows for the next contractor to install. It was pretty intense, lurking in the house, watching them thru the windows."
Whew - a real Mexican standoff! Bravo, man! Rob
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