Monday, September 18, 2006

>>>>> I thought the city was paying for this work // go straight to a lawyer!

It's an **interest free loan** that is added to my home loan. In addition to $5,000 towards the downpayment. All has to be payed back- but only if and when I sell the house. Not before.

Much complicated. Essentially, I signed without knowing that I was turning my house into a government project. They choose all thats done and all details how and when it's done.

I'm supposed to be glad to benefit from the free interest and end results.

I'll know how bad the rest of this is going to be when the city inspector arrives tomorrow and the tone of his response to my concerns.

I'm not a "I'm gonna sue person" and don't know any of the ropes to do so. Could probably get screwed doing that, too.

Well see...



>>> M: I thought the city was paying for this work, as part of that house rehab program? YOU are paying for this shitty work? If so, I'd say f*ck the city jerks and go straight to a lawyer!

Work is work!- R


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