Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Are Fleas FOREVER??? #2

I’ve hired an exterminator and they’ve sprayed… NOW they tell me you can not ever really get rid of flea eggs. They lie dormant for YEARS. You have to “wake them up” and kill them by vacuuming them up thru the cloud of bug toxins sprayed around. So what the hell is the spray around the outside and under the house for? I can’t vacuum there…

Then there's the quandry of using a vacuum to suck up the fleas- then the posibility of them laying eggs in your vacuum and you have to de-bug your vacuum every time. OR you re-infect your living area...

Remember... this is with no pets in my house now or ever. And a wood floor and no carpet. I can't even see them lurking, but they are suddenly there.

So, are fleas forever??? Mark


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